

Krasnodar State Institute of Culture has a long distinguished history. It was the first institute in the south of Russia set up to train musicians, artists, teachers, singers etc. Krasnodar State Institute of Culture is well-known and highly regarded in Russia. Its particular strong points are the support and care given to each student and the quality of teaching. The institute has a national reputation for innovative lifelong and work-based learning and employability of its graduates. The graduates of the institute work worldwide in conservatories, theatres, galleries, museums, educational institutions etc.

Application Procedure

1. Download the application form. 2. Fill in the application form and send it enclosing copies of passport and education certificate - interdepkguki@mail.ru

3. Wait for the official reply from the institute about the acceptance of the application form (usually it takes up to 1 week).

4. After being accepted you need to pay for obtaining the Invitation Letter– for students applying for the Foundation Year Programme.

5. Having obtained the Invitation Letter (it takes about 2-3 weeks approximately to obtain it) you need to obtain student VISA at the Russian Embassy in your country.

Notice: Please contact the international affairs department of Krasnodar State Institute of Culture well in advance in order to be aware of all the essential details (email: interdepkguki@mail.ru), +7(964) 924-17-73.